Diet for Kidney Stones Prevention

Diet and Kidney Stone Prevetion
Click image to download handout.

Many of the UHN Osteoporosis Program patients ask our doctors: “Doctor, I am prone to kidney stones. I know I need calcium for my bone health, but I have heard that taking calcium supplements is bad for kidney stones. What should I do?” Some patients are also asking our doctors about foods high in oxalates, which are also bad for kidney stones.

So, the UHN Osteoporosis Program’s nutrition and patient education experts have put together a handy handout for people who are prone to kidney stones and are thinking about changing their diet to help prevent them.

This handout includes a brief description of:

  • What are kidney stones and who is prone to them
  • Dietary tips to help prevent kidney stones, while maintaining your bone health
  • Top foods to HAVE and to AVOID to help prevent kidney stones

We hope that you enjoy reading this handout and find it informative. If you have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. If you would like us to talk about specific topics, please leave us a comment here or on our twitter or facebook.

By Dr Maryam S. Hamidi and Dr Luba Slatkovska

7 thoughts on “Diet for Kidney Stones Prevention

  1. Hello. I am a 68 y old woman who right now, has a 7mm kidney stone in my kidney that has been there for over a year. I had one blasted 2yrs ago and before that passed 3 stones over 15 yrs. I have osteoporosis. My bone density showed a -3.46. Not good. I’ve tried forteo shots, fossmax and actenel over the years, and allergic to all of them, from rash to constipation, which by the way, I have IBS. I also take 40mg of omeprazole daily for bad acid reflux. I am so confused if what to eat. Not eat because of stones and all these other problems I have. I do need something for osteoporosis,because I’m so afraid of fracturing or breaking bones. Help! It cost $200 to see a nutritionist, that insurance doesnt cover. It’s all depressing for me. Thank you.

  2. I understand Karen’s delema! I’m 68 have eaten organic, and healthy my whole life. Now kidney stones. Diagnosed in June.. now 6 mos later still growing. OVER AN INCH. It grew almost a half in in 6 mos!!!!! I took ACV tablets which have halped others to dissolve. Not me…. It got worse! I don’t and haven’t eaten bad things . In FIFTY years! Now everything is topsy turvy. No nuts.. No chocolate… I would have over 65% …I only ate organic strawberries, blueberries .drank ONLY WATER!
    What foods to eat..oxilates lists vary on what’s good and not good. I had a hair analysis a year ago.. said I had too much vit c… That’s what happens when you eat leafy greens.. ( no non nutritional iceberg thank you!!!).. and too much c in your body contributes to stone growth!!!! What the hell!!!

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